Dickenson Road West to Glancaster Road - Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Phases 2-4
Environmental Assessment - Phases 2-4
The City of Hamilton approved the Airport Employment Growth District (AEGD) Transportation Master Plan (2024), fulfilling Phase 1 of the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) Class EA process. The transportation network has been identified to address long-term transportation requirements of the area and to provide a transportation network consistent with the Airport Employment Growth District Secondary Plan.
Dickenson Limited Partnership has initiated a Draft Plan of Subdivision process for a new industrial development adjacent to the John C. Munro International Airport within the City of Hamilton's Airport Employment Growth District Secondary Plan lands. In parallel with the Draft Plan of Subdivision process, the applicant is conducting the Schedule C Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process for Arterial Roadway 1N, from Dickenson Road West to Glancaster Road, within the private development lands.
Contact City of Hamilton Planning Division staff to view individual reports/documents by emailing [email protected]
Please email your feedback/questions to the contacts listed below. Alternatively, you may fill out the below form with your contact information and any comments or feedback you wish to be included.
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Public consultation is a key component of this study. This PIC will present an opportunity to review the project, impact and mitigation measures and the preliminary preferred alignment. Members of the public, agencies, Indigenous Nations, communities and other interested persons are encouraged to actively participate in the undertaking by attending consultation opportunities or contacting the project team directly with information, comments or questions. In addition, there will be an opportunity to review the final Environmental Assessment Report when it is complete.
Visit the project webpage anytime to view PIC #1 materials and comment from June 20 to July 18, 2024 . A comment form will be available until midnight on July 18 . Following the live event, a video recording of the presentation will also be posted. Materials are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Following this Public Information Centre, the Project Team will: