May Lai is a dedicated Project Coordinator who is passionate about integrating land developments with the transportation system and creating connected and sustainable cities along the way. May has a strong commitment to her work and is adept at problem-solving.
May joined CGH Transportation after completing her Civil Engineering degree from University of Toronto in 2021. Prior to graduation, May has experiences in macroscopic and microscopic modelling and simulation of multi-modal transportation networks from her internship.
In her role at CGH, May has successfully completed Transportation Impact Studies to support the approval of residential, industrial, and commercial developments across the Greater Toronto and Golden Horseshoe area. In these studies, she has tackled a variety of tasks including travel demand projection, traffic data analysis, traffic operations assessment, parking and loading justifications, and providing travel demand management plan and network and/or signal reconfiguration as mitigation strategies.
May holds a Bachelor of Applied Science from the University of Toronto.